Andrew Fleischman

The Supreme Court says that sex offender registries are okay because 80% of people on them reoffend. It turns out, this statistic was based on a 1986 issue of Psychology Today. The NYT has done some excellent reporting on it. Could you do an episode about that?

Isn't it weird, then, that Houston is consistently one of the most afforadble cities in America?

San Francisco has insane rent control and zoning policies. Houston also has a booming business sector, yet doesn't struggle with gentrification. Why? Because its city government doesn't enact policies that hurt poor people.

So frustrating to see people spouting myths like "gentrification" as though there were any evidence to support the notion. You're pushing segregation, and it's racist, and it hurts minorities. Focus on real problems.

You've made a great point. Jesus wasn't that good a person. You should probably pick a different religion.

Also, and this is important, he was about to kill a crowd of people. You can use deadly force to stop someone from hurting others. Due process kicks in when you win your immunity hearing before trial.

Yeah that nipple joke didn't quite do it for me. I love how creative the episode is, but I think the love interest is totally unnecessary. I think I liked the implication of Rick Potion # 9 better, that Morty is kind of a little creep.

This is the best damn show. Its surprising, and its stand-alone nature seems to free it up to just be clever. Six seasons and a movie.

Probably Scipio, like the generals that opposed Hannibal.

Probably Scipio, like the generals that opposed Hannibal.