“I know exactly what you’re doing!” he said
“I know exactly what you’re doing!” he said
sure, if you only want the left one...
I was NP until you mentioned and pictured a Fuego.
Women, a subset of which can be writers or wives, are sometimes saucy. Men, to avoid being driven to tears, should stay off the sauce, whilst dating.
It would also be a shame to see DCEU boot the guy to the side, as I genuinely enjoy what Cavill has been trying to do with what he’s been given. It’s not his fault so much of what he’s had to work with is a chaotic mess.
I’m obviously taking all this Superman talk with a grain of salt the size of a bus, that Clark should have let sink to the bottom of that lake.
You’re all thinking about this wrong. What we need first and foremost is a DIRECTOR who understands Superman.
This is in the why the hell not territory. Sure it may self destruct on the way home, but for $700 it is a worth the gamble. Sometimes these sub 1k vehicles will surprise you in their ability to just run.
Say what you will about the movies, Cavill was a good Superman given what he had to work with.
Anyone who has read about my Dad’s green BMW recently will know how much I love Beemers.
She also wore that as a diving suit.
RE: Avengers 4- “John Slattery—a.k.a. Thunderbolt Ross” Correction: John Slattery plays the older Howard Stark, and it is William Hurt that plays Sec./Gen. Thunderbolt Ross.
John Slattery—a.k.a. Thunderbolt Ross - Has Howard Stark been hiding as Gen. Ross this whole time? or... He’s a Skrull! :)
reports John Slattery—a.k.a. Thunderbolt Ross
John Slattery is not Thunderbolt Ross.
THIS is the best
Remember his name was Captain MARVEL, and try to make your brain believe that Marvel is involved, then ease yourself into the truth.