
Do you really not get taught the basics of car control when learning to drive over there? I understand that most cars are automatics but don’t you learn to drive manual boxes?

Guess what will happen when a load of people start using ‘off peak’ power?

Pneumonia is just shit in the lungs. Millions of people walk around with shit in their lungs and never know about it. I was one of them. Something took me to see the doctor, he did the chest tapping and stuff and then sent me off for an xray.

I bet he does suffer with gout but we old school Britons, as well as the stiff big toes, also have a stiff upper lip and, apart from the slight change to our gait, we never, never, let on about the agony we endure. Because that’s what an old school Briton does!

With an aging population SUVs have nowhere to go but up. For older folks SUVs are wonderful.

I used to have one of those. That video shows exactly why. Still drive an S80 today.

Spot on!. I change my oil according to the manufacturer’s recommended 10K/12 month interval which is obviously much greater than 3900 miles. However seeing that number makes me wonder whether Blackstone clients are a self selecting group of people who are more likely than usual to change their oil at less than

So, there *is* an interior!

Whatever purpose was claimed for this vessel war fighting was not one of the *real* purposes. I wonder what the unspoken, but *real* purposes this vessel actually has?

If you are so unable to divine the wishes and intent of people with whom you socialise then there’s a bigger problem to be faced than the form of some stupid, ass covering, contract.

Where I live, Estonia, workers will always expect to remove their shoes. One never has to ask.

So, a technically advanced adversary is simply going to target the refueling craft and watch all the planes dependent upon them glide gently into the sea short of either their target or base.

Do you think that they aren’t. They are one of the biggest advertisers in the US. Possibly the biggest when considering the ratio of advertising to sales revenue. What do you think all those press stories, reviews, TV items are? They are all advertising and wouldn’t be present if it were not for the work of Tesla’s

Is it possible that the interior is not actually production ready? That what we have been shown is all that is ready in order to allow the company to claim they are keeping to schedule?

The front! It is an Imperial Storm Trooper’s helmet!

But don’t you KNOW that such a deal is a sham? Can’t you read the ad? Does experience tell you nothing? If you can’t afford the vehicle there’s no magic unicorn jiz that’s going to make it affordable for you!

My Volvo sedan (S80) has the back seat release in the trunk. Practical and secure. Of course other manufacturers might offer less useful options.

How is it possible to have a car that is driven daily and yet drive less than 100 miles per week?

I absolutely do this when driving a manual car. It is something I miss when driving my own car. In addition, I find that as one learns the car, checking the speedo is less necessary. Simply by being in the ‘right’ gear one will not be driving too fast.

Orange (Austin Allegro)