
However, he’s not the target market. One would hardly expect him to be familiar, yet, with the cues and concepts.

At the speed those things are probably driven aerodynamics is not likely to be an issue. Any aerodynamic styling would be just that: styling. 

Hey, imagine, when you’ve cleaned up your junk yard you might meet a compatible woman/man for a long term partnership.

That’s the filter thread size. There’s a 1a filter on the lens. The lettering is on the side of the filter. Commonly used to protect the front element from damage. They also gave more contracts to the sky, made clouds show up better.

Is that the Domiplan lens? 

Chinon CE3, that’s the one with the aperture priority metering on an m42 thread lens, yeah? I lusted after one of those when I was at school. Ended up having a Practika L instead.

Practika LLC, first 35mm slr with an electrically powered diaphragm. East German they may have been. They were also pretty advanced technically. Responsible for quite a few firsts in the SLR domain.

Give them the two million likes. I’d love to see them rebuild the car to ‘baseline!

Not ‘like’ the Hillman Imp, it ‘is’ the Hillman Imp. Used to be quite a common sight in the UK.

20 years ago I so wanted an Espace. Those captain's chairs. The versatility of space use. Not as a family vehicle but as a vehicle to share with friends for almost any purpose. Travelling in one of those 4-up was a delight. Chairs, tables, beds, storage and comfort. 

It doesn’t matter how many people say they wouldn’t buy it. All it takes is just one.

Make the instruction part of the pre-flight demonstration and tell everybody that people who don’t mask up according to instructions won’t be warned, but they will be barred from using the airline in future.

Seems fair enough. For example, I am not too bothered about the whole thing. Anyone who has had Covid-19 is unlikely to be bothered.

My preferred lock down style! Been doing my own for years using clippers. I was at the stage where I didn’t need to go full-on skinhead, I could manage some length and shape. Restarted professional barbering recently.

I have been driving rhd cars in Europe for over 20 years. I am now driving a Volvo s80. Had no problems, it’s engrained in me now.

No need for any killing. Sygic on iOS and Android offers choices when there are holdups and you can choose to take them or not. You also see an indication of traffic holdups on the route just ahead.

If there’s only going to be a few hundred built then they do not need to worry about your custom. Only a few hundred people need to be willing to buy this machine. This is a marketing statement, a line in the sand as it were.

For all the blather about no speed limits, the German autobahn is the slowest motorway system that I drive on. Sure, there might be no speed limit on ‘some’ parts of the network but road conditions and imposed limits make it hard to drive at an average speed in excess of 100kph on a long drive. In terms of average

Is buying a microwave illegal in your locale?

That's exactly what it was. Oddly enough, after I got rid of the 18 I bought a Dacia Denem, my first new car. The Denem was a Romanian built Renault 12. A terrible car, but I felt right at home in it.