Anyone get crabs there?
Anyone get crabs there?
If you didn’t think her characterization of Jason Lannister as a swaggering frat bro bragging about how dope his castle is or her explaining that a modern day Rhaenyra would have been dressed head to toe in Hot Topic and listening to Paramore then flipping off her dad and skateboarding away were clever or amusing,…
Nevermind the how old everyone is tempest in a teapot for a minute. I want to know if the dragons are all related. Because I thought last night there was going to be a punch up between the two dragons. I know Dany's dragons were related in Thrones, but was/is there only one dragon family?
I don’t know what to think. I was told there were going to be dragons. And to be fair, I missed the first 7 minutes or so, so maybe that's when they had the dragons.
Btw you're not fooling anyone with your "I haven't watched it" nonsense. Of course you have. Loads of times.
Stfu. You are repulsive. Self hating manipulator who has never stopped lying about who and what you are. Most people would silently take the freedom they don't deserve and live anonymously, but not you. You truly think people are interested in the things you have to say. Go die somewhere, you freak.
Gold toilets and Kim are mutually exclusive.
Two words: Chill the eff out, Sunshine.
And anyway, do we really need another jackass who abuses women present at the game? Although it would be amusing to watch him fall on his extra extra extra large sized ass or tangerine colored bloated face whilst attempting to throw out a first pitch.
All the white dudes, carry the news.
Dear Sirs,
Gol!!!! Gol!!!!Golllllll.....oh, wait
“Hey, take it easy, Johnnie, that’s my lucky stabbin’ hat!”
If you are legally drunk, what's the problem?
I don’t remember where, but I saw Hader telling a story about a bit that was cut from SNL involving Casey Kasem finding his son trying to break into his house and their exchanges with each other sounded like America's Top Ten song intros in cadence but not content..Anyway, it was funny a f..
And especially considering that he arrived at the game with a guide dog and wearing those As Seen On TV sunglasses.
Yo, that s is dope!
Billy Connolly. Terry Jones of the Pythons, and now David Milch.. Jesus, it is awful to consider guys as clever as they are dealing with a memory stealing affliction like this uhhh..this ummm goddammit I had it on the tip of my tongue..This....goddammit...
Snooker fills me with inertia.
I watch enough golf to know a bit about what I’m watching etc, but I don’t think I’ve seen a situation like on 12 today with Tiger down 2 shots before he and Molinari hit their first shots but then Tiger in position to have a one shot lead after they had hit their first shots, but ending up with a share of the lead.