AC in NC

Like the theory on Littlefinger (he needs new mischief) but the Sand Snakes won't get to Cersei because her plot armor is too thick.


Agreed, if Mel's all swanning around next episode, taking credit for Balon's death… it's like, "Euron crack, lady."

I agree; we're making the same point: nobody seriously attributes the Kings' deaths to Mel's leech-burning; the books simply spend more time establishing that Mel uses her ability to SEE the future to make other mere mortals believe she is CONTROLLING the future.

my wife can confirm that I'm a miserable SOB. Maybe not Ted Cruz-miserable but, you know, not NOT Ted Cruz Miserable.

Fair point: I'm picking a pretty small nit here.

That's definitely closer to the book portrayal of Mel (seeing the future, in order to create the impression that you control it) but in the show it seems much less ambiguous: Mel is magic, and burning a bloody leech on a brazier on Dragonstone is definitely responsible for the Kings' deaths.

What are the odds they're gonna let the Teenage Mutant Ninja Sand Snakes kill Kevan and Pycelle (already dead in the books) since their bookkiller (Varys) is currently kicking it across the Narrow Sea with Tyrion?

You win this time, internet.

I'm sorry; was expecting serious, hardcore fans among the AV Club.

Surnames aren't random. "Jon Stone" isn't a wink at "Lady Stoneheart" so much as it's mistakenly referring to Jon as "a bastard born in the Vale." In other words, you're making a mistake actual bookreading fans wouldn't make. (this is the "experts" recap, right?)

I don't understand the "Jon Stone" reference; he wasn't born in the Vale.