
The real travesty about the Trayvon Martin case is that the ultimate verdict was in line with Florida law. They reached the correct verdict, according to how the stand-your-ground law was written.

If anything, this year’s Super Bowl is evidence of how valuable having a quarterback who can catch the ball is.

I know that both this article and the ESPN report mention the corruption, but here especially, it seems to have been buried in favor of the Commander in Cheeto. I just think that world figures, while displeased at Trump’s lack of diplomacy, recognize that until we prove we’re idiots by making the same mistake again,

The ESPN article points that out too. Part of the argument is Trump, another part of it, that ESPN points out, is how the U.S. and FBI, brought down Sepp Blatter. Blatter was a crook, but he did get the smaller countries paid, thus the current push for Morocco.

Two’s company, three’s a crowd

Giri, I’m shocked at this:

Of course his friends will say nice things about him. Otherwise he’ll Rippon them.

The point of this all is to take the excerpt from the speech, not the whole thing, and apply it to your life and do good for your community. Oh and by the way RAM has an outlet for that:

But they could have just played Prince performances for 20m, and it would have been miles better.

No shit you dumb motherfucker. Try looking up the word paradoxically next time.

You’re a fucking idiot.

It’s a problem I’m intimately familiar with, having served in the military. Too often, our service members are dying from suicide, due in no small part to the hyper masculine culture. And yes, that includes women who’ve served, at a much more alarming rate. You don’t want to be seen as weak.

with ALL due respect: That is a bad take, pots and pans do not have to soak

Soaking pots is a trap. If you have steel pots you can scrub them easily enough. If you have non-stick pots and stuff is sticking to them they should be thrown out.

I remember people in here praising him as a genius when he was ranting about Trump. Dude is straight up unstable

Took me 27 years to try In-N-Out ans dude is right. Why the fuck is that place crowded all the time.

Jokes on a lot of those kids when New Zealand beats Peru next month

The 9:62 mark in a game is one the Lions fervently wish they’d seen.

I was raised not to stare at people who have disabilities, so maybe every hiker that passed her just kinda awkwardly looked the other way when she walked by.

Pretty fucked how basketball coaches can be charged and imprisoned for fraud yet Tom Crean still walks around a free man.