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October 2010: Destroyed. I had to take it back to school just one more weekend. I couldn’t NOT drive my car. The weather was beautiful. That was when I learned something: Sometimes it doesn’t matter how careful you are or how much you pride yourself on good car control... because deer don’t care about that.

May 2009: I finally pulled the trigger on purchasing my first ever project car.

He did.

That reminds me of when Bob Loblaw lobbed that law bomb.

It would have to be an Ariel Atom. Carlisle.

It was really cool until the Sierra came on.

Life's too short to worry about dogs being too clean for their strangely lit surroundings. I noticed that a guy above in the comments was certain that it was a 'shop (due to his history of 'shop detection) but was immediately shut down by a shiny doggy defender.

I'm thinking that the textures seem too consistent across quite a few of the surfaces. And yeah, that canine looks like it's properly set to compete in The National Dog Show Presented by Purina®.

Maybe it was the Russian UAZ article that has turned my eyes into skeptics, but am I the only one that thinks there is something off about the 6th photo? Maybe it's some strange lighting or a depth of field thing, but it looks manipulated (at best) to me.

We can agree to disagree, I suppose.

I call shenanigans. Replacement parts are pretty easy to find and support for these cars is at an all-time high.

Actually, they didn't. You're right. When Ford discontinued that hose, that was more or less the end of the that. British American Transfer (BAT) sells a silicone replacement that is made specifically to replace it. I no longer have that hose as you can see because of the addition of an intercooler, but I have seen

One of the most surprising things that I have found is that parts are not only (for the most part) readily available, but also pretty cheap. I can walk into Advance Auto and get just about everything I need, and anything I can't is usually easy to get from one of the few places that deal with nothing but Merkurs.

I can't think of another car that I would rather own. It's a tight little car that has more than enough power to be fun. Parts are cheap and nobody knows what it is. The "WTF factor" is more than enough for me. Everything else is a bonus.

I've seen asking prices for clean Merkurs go up in the last few years. This works for me because I'm sure not selling mine for a long time.

False. You're forgetting/not acknowledging the Sapphire and 4x4 Cosworths. In fact, the car in the video is a 3rd gen Sierra which would lead me to guess that they probably transplanted the Cosworth 4x4 drivetrain into it.

I'd say that making the distinction between the Sierra/Scorpio of Europe and American market Merkurs is pretty important. It was a unique brand that was poorly marketed and likely bombed because of it. If you want to sell a sporty car to compete with current BMWs, don't try to sell it alongside hefty, 4-door sedans

Here's what the back looks like too... A DAY EARLY!

This is one of two pictures that I was looking for. I agree 100% but can we just bunch both Merkurs together? It seems like hardly anyone ever recognizes my XR, but once their memory is jogged there's usually interest and smiles.