
Part of this is a bias against the burbs. No where in HamNo’s screed did he mention why you must live in a city. It’s like cities are walled off like Mega-City One and those of us in the burbs are wasteland mutants that should be shot on sight.

The original version of The American Dream was “if you work hard, you can buy your own home.”

Seems like a lot of effort to go through to get arrested.

Hamilton is either too stupid or too brave to understand he should have quit and never wrote again for Splinter while he still had some dignity.

oh look who’s back from the burn unit

No writters name. You know they expect blowback

There’s that old Gawker feeling.

Look, this guy said some shitty stuff that I am sure he regrets in the light of day.

and......being more popular than deadspin

Deadspin sure likes to talk a big game about misogyny having employed noted sexual assaulter Greg Howard. Can’t seem to find any instances of sexual harassment being reported at the barstool offices.

It’s bad, but it actually looked like Vince was trying to get out of the play. Freak accident. Hopefully he’s not seriously hurt.

But not you! You see through the veil and you are enlightened!

I don’t know if you’re new to this website or what, but “balanced perspective” and “Hamilton Nolan” are what we like to call mutually exclusive.

Have you ever read this “writer” before? He hates anyone who is successful and/or makes money. This is his tired old schtick.

An alternate perspective in the interest of sanity:

Yeah, except the Chesapeake isn’t international waters, and we haven’t recently annexed Mexico in a sham referendum. So not quite the same thing.

So basically, they got a mid first round pick and Tobias Harris plus filler*....... For Blake Griffin. That seems like... not a lot.

No, you’re wrong.

This is the worst take and you should be ashamed.

To be fair, it seems like this was a single bottle (which, wtf, you are an idiot if you buy a $500 bottle of any alcohol), so expecting the full 15-20% (depending on location) seems pretty absurd in this case. $12.87* seems like a fine tip for that amount of service.