
I wouldn’t call the PC player base strong, it was low enough 6 months after release that you could barely play all of the game modes. With only 3k activeplayers now days you are lucky to find a good game of tdm.

“...and the density of red is being used to demonstrate the frequency of kills”. All of the colors on this map represent frequencies of deaths and none of the other colors are a function (density) of red.

If the characters make sense I see no problem with minority or female characters. Considering this is Battlefield I doubt the story will be enjoyable enough for the characters to even matter. After BF1 my expectations were pretty low for BFV and the trailer didn’t do much to alter them. The trailer just makes the game

The difference is obvious if you are looking for it. In my opinion it matters more when your frame rate is variable. A drop from 60 to 45fps isn’t that bad but from 30 to 15 fps is much more noticable. I’m with the author on preferring PC releases over console releases, didn’t stop me from enjoying some console

I hope giant touch screens don’t become a main selling point of cars. The one in my current car acts like a mirror, and for me it’s more distracting to find a button on the radio when it’s a touch screen vs physical buttons. I don’t think I would enjoy the air controls being touch also.

I don’t understand why owning a tdi somehow implies that I voted for obama, or why it even matters. The tdi had nice torque and great fuel mileage, there was nothing political about it...