My wife and I recently moved to a house in the Dunbar/Spring neighborhood of Tucson, Ariz. Because we had never…
My wife and I recently moved to a house in the Dunbar/Spring neighborhood of Tucson, Ariz. Because we had never…
Over at The Guardian, Chelsea Summers takes issue with the omission of the infamous "tampon scene" from the film…
Back in eighth grade, I fell in love with a girl who didn't want anything to do with me, and the lovesickness got…
It's an oft-given piece of marital advice that you should marry your bestie, and new research claims doing so…
Chris Rock has such a warm, magnetic presence that it's baffling that he has never seemed that comfortable as an…
Oh hey, the Oscars are on Sunday night! And congratulations to America’s celebrities for enduring another painfully…
It's the final week of 2013, so we're wrapping the year up the way movie people are supposed to wrap the year up:…
My wife and I love kids—we just don't want to have any of our own. That shouldn't be a big deal, but sometimes other…
You could say the same thing about every genre for major studio movies. The vast majority fit into played out trite cookie cutter plot lines that are addictive to specific demographics of viewers.
Romance movies are just like washing the's the same thing over and over again, just different articles of clothing.
Like a lot of people, I learned about relationships at a young age by watching movies and TV shows. Only now in my…