
I mean, as opposed to the company not being held accountable at all?

Please read the reviews:

Please read the reviews:

As a current Mustang driver I’m really getting tired of the “Mustangs always wreck when leaving car shows” thing. It’s gotten really old.

Nah, man, it’s millennials. They’re at fault! Haven’t you heard?

Yeah, but then you will own a Buick.

Reminds me of an interesting comparison when I went to Australia. Most of the Aussies I met, who were awesome BTW, saw Americans stereo-typically as a bunch of gun toting cow boys.

This seems like a perfectly cromulent idea!

Are we there yet?

Congratulations. As a token, accept this:

Call me insensitive, but I don’t think a 95 year old should be driving a Mustang. Or anything else.


They would love to get out of their parents basements if they could afford a house in the economy baby boomers fucking destroyed.