
Having grown up near Salem I'm intrigued by this game. Will rent.

Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there... With a can of gas and a lighter.

Butter has oils in it that act as a lubricant. So you are wrong. It can make things smoother on application.

I'm absolutely clueless when it comes to Formula 1, but would it be possible to have one of the Big American 3 companies develop a power plant for them and stick their noses into the market too? Flame on F1 elite enthusiasts

I can't imagine any scenario in which comparing software bugs to vehicle safety issues are in any way comparable. Your logic is immensely flawed.

I was pretty nervous at 180, 200 mph for a 102 year old is just amazing.

You could have been in a 747 mid flight and that joke would have gone over your head, dbag.

Don't the NPCs call you "new kid" in south park?

Yeah but not like this. This guy was straight out of a high school football movie.

You're better off using the $50 to buy heroin of a uniformed police officer. That's a much better investment of your time and money.

First an RPG, you DO NOT give the player the option to choose a name, then go on having all the NPCs calling them by another name.

He doesn't speak for all of us. I view last season as a demonstration of genius coaching.

"Myfeet, Yourfeet, Instantfeet yeah I'm an expert on all that." -Rex Ryan

I call them Habs because it just sounds demeaning, and that's the tone I usually aim for when I speak about the Canadian Diving Team.

Why can't we turn it off for normal gamesand turn it on when using the VR set? Is that something impossible to achieve for one of the biggest tech companies in the world?

As a Dark Angel fan, and an Ass man, I hated Michael Weatherly with a passion.

Glad your expectations are low, because this game just disappoints me in so many ways. The combat, voice acting, environment visuals...and I only played about 40 minutes of it. I was getting too frustrated thinking I could have bought MLB The Show instead.

Bound by Flame has been available on the PS Store since Tuesday.

I downloaded it yesterday on the PS Store. Didn't like it btw. Dear god the voice acting is just as bad as the narrating in the trailer.

Or kill 2 birds with one stone (r).