
My same reasoning as to why the ps4 doesn't support it yet either. They want me to use their shitty video unlimited service.

I'm a Bruins fan and I think it was a good no call, so what you wanna fightaboutit??

Figured this was some what helpful.

Having gone to TWS for the TX2k8 nationals, please don't let this happen people! Such an awesome place, and awesome track.

Because before that fight, one of the players probably pissed off the other with a dirty hit, or a big hit in general. Now, if the offended player didn't have a chance to vent out his frustrations with him, he might have gone and laid a hit on him later in the game that could have paralyzed him.

"What are you in for?"

Hugh Jackman fills that role, and doesn't mask the story with his fame. I can dig it.

I don't know how I feel about big name actors for this one. Kind of distracts from the film if you ask me.

By the time this even gets into production, Moretz will be 18 and probably look a little old for the role. Again, I'm sure there are thousands of 12-16 year old actresses that would fit the role in the US or Europe.

I'll wait to see what Robot Chicken does with it.

And I was just saying, that this boring man helped sell 6 million units.

Oh lord, how could I have been so stupid? I guess that's why Xbox is already doing a price cut/including Titanfall at no extra cost.

I love this .gif, and commend you on using it even though it has no relevance to the story other than the brand of console.

Guess his monotonous reading must have worked, because you couldn't find a PS4 anywhere up until earlier this week, while unsold XBOX's are stacking up everywhere.

I think they are going to focus on the looks more than anything. In a game, the voice acting is the only real thing (i tried my hardest to word that sentence in a way that makes sense, but may have failed), while in a movie you are looking for the actors to look like the characters in the game.

I felt the same way about Skyrim, having never played an Elder Scrolls game before. Then I spent an hour on TESwiki and basically read up on the "lore". I'm sure there's a page for DA out there on the information super highway.

I personally don't think Chloe can pass as Ellie. I don't want to sound like a guest on To Catch A Predator, but Chloe is damn beautiful and Ellie is your average girl who is a hardened badass.

There are thousands of young female actresses, I'm sure there are plenty of them probably look a lot like Ellie.

I was getting excited about this until I read Sam Raimi will be attached to this. Great way to screw it up guys.

What does the voice actor have to do with the on screen actor?