This is why I hate reading Patriots stories on Deadspin. You are 100% correct, but they ignore the facts and just find ways to hate on a team that has made almost every AFC championship since B.B and T.B came to town.
This is why I hate reading Patriots stories on Deadspin. You are 100% correct, but they ignore the facts and just find ways to hate on a team that has made almost every AFC championship since B.B and T.B came to town.
Except when Edelman did it, the ball had already been caught and it was a clean block from the front. But yeah, either way we will ignore football rules so we can hate on the Patriots.
-Every other NFL teams' fans
Ahh the ignorance. He didn't lay Cromartie out, Cromartie was still standing after the hit. Which was a clean hit because the ball had already been caught and Edelman threw a block from the front. Why is it that any and all logic get thrown out the door when it comes to making a disparaging comment towards the…
As a fan of football period, it wasn't a block because the ball had not been caught yet.
Yes, it was clean. If you knew anything about football you would realize the ball was already caught and Edelman threw a block.
AFC championships.
These fools seem to forget the Seahawks PED issues, Colts pumping in fake crowd noise through the PA to disrupt offenses, and the 49ers salary cap BS.
Being a Patriots fan, I must say...
And other teams won with cheating the salary cap, hidden video, and PED's...You say tomato, I say its all the same shit anyways.
The turbo z31 was an excellent car. The z32 was q great car. The z33 was when they took a steaming shit on the z name.
It's the greatest Z car related news we've heard since 1996.
I loathed the hicas system
Drake started as an actor
Now I am depressed. I live an hour away from Boston, MA in a somewhat less populated area. This is like a turtle compared to a Cheetah on cocaine.
Seriously, if I were over at Amazon, Hulu, or Netflix I would be trying like HELL to strike a deal with HBO/STARZ/Showtime. Try and lock an exclusivity deal and charge an extra $15-20 a month for each one (or lets be serious and say HBO is worth 20, Starz 10, and Showtime 5) and you have the market.
Craigslist. Found one for a friend of mine for $130 with a control and a copy of madden.
He would have, if one was needed.
But compared to NFS:SHIFT2 GT6 and Forza are sims. I know that's not saying much, but still.
Resident Evil fans aren't aging and decaying...the series is. It has sucked since RE2. It went from a really creepy, puzzling horror survival game into a Hollywood action movie after that. Complete with shitty story line and everything.
I'm sure between GT6/Forza they could have found that car and track.