Andre Porter

You played it through twice and a second time was a nuzlocke run but say you don’t like it? That’s some Catholic level self-flagellation there.

Thank you for the same take I’ve heard 30 times completely unrelated to the DLC. Every time there’s news about this game somebody needs to drop into the comments to let us know “I DIDN’T LIKE IT.” WE KNOW.

It’s $16.... a year... you can’t afford that?

the fahey is allowed to do anything

I disagree that you’re not on an a particular team. You’re on the “challengers” team.  This whole event is gym leaders vs. challengers.

Here we go...

I didn’t even know you could recruit him as a companion, but that’s because I chose to shoot the Edgewater leader guy in the face after diverting power to the other guys. Let me tell you, they don’t appreciate it when you straight up murder their leader. Just trying to get out of that joint, I had to shoot the sheriff

Have we reached a bizarre point in entertainment where even criticizing imperialism risks offending some of the audience or is this just due to lazy writing?

Not that I know of. You’re working with pre-defined evolutionary traits that amount to improvements in intelligence, dexterity, communication and stuff like that. The game tracks how quickly you’re acquiring these abilities, which are metered out by very video-gamey systems like experience points and such and then

Honestly... suck it the fuck up.
The whole damn engine is rebuilt, every single pokemon has to be remade, reanimated, reprogrammed, balanced, etc. On top of that, the more detailed and complex everything becomes, the more time needs to be dedicated to each and every pokemon.
And doing it for well over 1000 pokemon is

Yes, we all know the bottom line is money. But there is a reason it works so well. It encourages kids to link up and connect with their friends/siblings, because you can’t get them all just by yourself. From a gamer standpoint, we are all thinking - it is just so they can sell me the game twice! But, kids aren’t

Or he could have had a blast working on a Pokemon movie. Working on a collaboration with a team of talented artists from all over the world... or No he was the person who made artwork that landed on your video gaming news site and he should have made the movie all by himself.

I swear you people are so quick to hate on

Some Alternate titles for this article:

Why can’t my dog sit just outside the restaurant patio?”

She didn’t say no until the very end, though. At which point he stopped trying. And, yes, he was pressuring her into sex the whole time, not coercing her into sex. People seem to not realize that coercion involves force or threats.

The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.