Andre Orlando

Not saying they necessarily had to cancel- they probably went too far and bending to a few people who are offended is not always the way to go. Just saying that based on what the band has said, it is very easy for me to see where they're coming from.
Also, Continental Shelf was one of the better tracks on the record,

I hear going for the whole 'Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's' aesthetic is in!

Differing tastes I suppose. I was bored by it and it only lasted 35 minutes.
Regardless, people liking Viet Cong's music isn't the issue. To each his own!

I was totally down to throw Oberlin under the bus and proclaim that the school was a good example of political correctness gone too far. That was until I looked into it and found this Guardian article citing the origin of the name.…
One thing that they never intended to become a statement is