actually, the review is good
actually, the review is good
It’s a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation for men. Tom Hanks seems like a decent guy but he stumbled on the issue during an interview. Matt Damon isn’t a bad guy but he’s a cautionary tale to other men to sit down and shut up because he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
I see this two different ways,
The horrible secret: the popcorn are all clones of your mother.
I’ve seen it, and I did not enjoy it. At all. No spoilers: Some moments play out in such a cliche manner that I was waiting in certain scenes for events to occur, because I predicted them minutes earlier, sometimes an hour earlier. I did not like it, and I’m prepared to raise my voice against the masses come Friday. I…
Alternate headlines for this story:
He basically describes a relationship where hurtful words were spoken. I wish being hurtful wasn't incredibly common and very human, but it really is. He seems to know it was wrong, and it was when he was 21-23, and as he says, the seeds of her problems were already there, so it's kind of difficult to see him as…
I'm in the minority but I don't think he's a dick. I appreciate that he understands that these "chicks" are not into him insomuch that they are into what they think they can gain. I don't get the impression he thinks he's God gift. He readily admits he's " a tiny, tiny bit successful." Certainly not anyone who…
Ok, so here are my impressions on both the movie and the review itself (which I didn't care for):