
@Sisyphus You blaming a victim of Domestic Violence?

Abuse is never justified. Never. Justified.

@Sisyphus: Really? Would we accept that kind of logic from a man? He deserved it because he probably antagonized her? Based on the article and comments here, I don't disagree with him. Gleefully admitting to partner violence is not okay just because you're a woman. It's still something to be ashamed of.

The missus smacked me around a bit for the 3rd time in our 17 year marriage -i never even raised a finger -ever!

Hitting is hitting. It doesn't matter who is the hittee and who is the hitter. Saying that women can't inflict as much damage on men because of their relative sizes is total bullshit and doesn't excuse the lack of control people exhibit if they hit their significant others. If this was a comment thread with a bunch of

Seriously? If these comments were from men celebrating their finest acts of physical violence against their partners, people would be going batshit insane with outrage, and rightfully so. Just because women aren't as strong as men doesn't men they can't do some serious harm. Especially if the dudes aren't fighting

Come on ladies, where are the shelters for battered men? Guys turning up in the emergency rooms with black eyes, broken noses?