Andrei Nitu

I don’t get it, why don’t they just use courier companies to deliver the switches to each customer’s homes? Why don’t they just order the switches online and have them delivered? What’s this obsession with physically going to the store and buying them in person?

Not everything has to cater to everyone, that’s just aiming for the lowest common denominator which will give you the least possible artistic value. I prefer art that is striking, not art that represents the perfectly common and mundane.

Or, it’s made to sell to a very specific demographic that doesn’t include older people. Yes, it’s not as usable, the article itself points this out, but it does look absolutely amazing. The minimalist design and black background go gorgeously together.

Yeah, sure, one of the most well known contemporary heavy metal bands is “bad”. Look, I get that you don’t like that kind of music, but plenty of people did, myself included, what’s ridiculous is you calling something bad because you don’t like it. Because counterpoint, the main reason I liked WW was specifically

Kay, well, their service is great, i don't care.

That’s the issue I think, I actually hear people how covid-19 is DEFINITELY a conspiracy because “a good virus first has a low mortality rate in order to spread and then becomes deadly” as if the virus has some overarching hivemind intelligence to be able to mutate exactly what it needs to in order to suddenly become

I know I’m comparing apples to oranges, but this is the exact reason why I love ESO. Item levels are normalized, and you get the same reward quality for any kind of activity you do, anywhere. You don’t feel like you’re wasting time by doing some older activities that you really like. Anything you do helps you. It’s so

I’m playing ESO which has an install size of 80+GB, so excuse me but file size argument with Destiny2 is bullshit.

Everyone should play how they like it best, but I’m honestly shocked that so many people prefer the controller. I’ve played both version for quite some time, and while on consoles it’s just more relaxing, I can never ignore the feeling that I’m nowhere near as precise with my targeted skills as I am when using a mouse.

They won’t fight with software numbers” Why do you consider their software sales is only on Xbox as a console? That’s irrelevant right now, the main reason that the current gen console lost to sony is because MS sacrificed it in order to pave the way for Xbox as a Service. That’s always been the plan, not necessarily

I’ll chime in to offer you a separate trifecta:
A) Want to play AAA / graphically intensive MMO’s, while they...
B) Are on trips abroad, far from home and their expensive PC’s, and...
C) Don’t want to carry around a heavy gaming laptop instead of their lights, slim business laptop.

This one seems very likely honestly, and

Sorry to break it to you, but I’m already using Nvidia Now and it’s absolutely great. It’s great because I go on business trips fairly often, and instead of lugging my huge gaming laptop with me, I just take my light, slim, business laptop, and use nvidia now to stream my games and play them. Yes, there’s lag, but for

These are gorgeous and incredibly well-made, but I noticed just now how there’s a distinct design direction that most japanese-korean artists go towards, which is over-complicating the architecture. I didn’t even read who the artist is and after looking at these I was thinking “man, these are so overly complicated,

While I ABSOLUTELY agree with you, I’m surprised you didn’t notice that there is a HUGE swath of people who live in their childhood nostalgia, and even though they are in their 30's-40's, if you try to adapt their childhood media to  more mature audience (literally them), they will thrash and cry and whine that you

Diablo 2, Act 1. Simply because I started that game soooo many times in my youth with so many different ideas on how to build the characters.

I know you want to justify the fact that you don’t like 1st person, but please at least realize some people much rather prefer 1st person because they feel it’s more immersive than 3rd person. And I do also have to admit, that if Dishonored weren’t 1st person, it probably wouldn’t have had the same charm for me. I

The tile is delusional, absolutely all dedicated battle royale games besides PuBG are cartoony and silly and goofy.

He’s referring to the angle the car makes when turning. The center of the turn radius is your back wheels, while the end of the radius is your front bumper. At that point, when backing in, you’re mostly holding the center of the circle on a simple, short trajectory, and only translating on the circumference. When

What are you babbling about, it’s much faster to park butt-first because you only need to do a single backwards motion, whereas usually when going face-first, you most likely will need to reposition the car since the angle is not as sharp. Stop trying to justify your own laziness.

That’s.... exactly Witcher, mate, the books are very anachronistic, specifically because society evolved massively due to magic. You’re barking up the wrong tree, and what’s worse, influencing others that likewise know nothing about Witcher. The universe itself is a mish-mash of medieval settings and anachronistic