Andrei Nitu

No no, you could, I distinctly remember using swallow mid-combat.

It IS super janky though, you have to admit. Sure, the devs had the passion for it, but it’s like somebody who doesn’t really have any kind of experience about this decides to do a mishmash of some cool things he thought would go well together. Beacause even if you appreciate the blending of soulsbourne combat with SW

You probably shouldn’t play it then. Personally, I have your exact same predicament regarding Eastern games and media, especially japanese, korean and chinese. And I know how absolutely insanely hard for me it is to enjoy an eastern fantasy rpg game. My suggestion is don’t bother, if it’s not to your liking, you’ll

Confirmed that it’s in-engine, but that’s different from in-game. The game won’t look like this, this simply shows what the engine can achieved when fed as much horsepower as it needs.

In-engine, not in-game, the game itself won’t look like this.

Uuuuh, what subtelty mate? She was talking to the severed head of her boyfriend, she was hearing gods, praying for the gods to help her, she was experiencing the gods help her, etc. You’re exagerating massively, since invoking a demon or whatever was actually considered perfectly normal at the time. In fact she is

That was my first reaction, but it’s almost impossible for this to be the case, because then the shorthand would be “Xbox SS”, and I REHEEEEALLY don’t think they’re that stupid. But. Who knows.

Yes and no, consider that while there are graphical differences between X and S in this current gen, mostly the difference are in resolution and/or framerate. The S targets 1080p/900p at 30fps, whilst the X targets 2K/4K at 30 fps. If Lockhart will have the power of X, then *new* games will indeed be held back in

I prefer digital over disc any day because I’m lazy and I want the convenience of not having to switch discs when switching games. Moreover, I’m not interested in selling my games, who knows when I might want to replay that game, and I’ll be honest, I’m hurting for money. If I want to buy a newly released game, I

Say what you will, but although the general overarching story is fascinating in Destiny, the actual storytelling acts as if you’ve got a PhD in destiny lore and are doing nothing else than reading about destiny lore. I’m honestly tired of having all these dangling threads with no resolution, or resolutions that come

“or games with a .03 second TTK.”
Preach. Destiny 2's revamped pvp from year 2 was so praised and I felt like I was the only one that felt disappointed they dropped the TTK to quantum proportions. It’s then I realized I was old, because apparently this is what most people want and enjoy, whilst I feel overwhelmed with

Yeah hi, sorry to burst your victimization bubble, but I have first hand experience on the recruiting at Google where people of color, women and minorities are preferred over white men. So much so, that Google’s HR would rather hire anyone over a white man.
So, you know, if you haven’t tried google, do. If you’ve tried

That’s not the thing, Coulter should be insanely comforting when she wants to, she should be able to come to you and for you to trust her no matter what. But the way she holds her mouth and smirks just screams danger and viciousness to me. I’d have my guard up the moment I see her talk.

Lol, “small” group of obsessives? Not gonna lie, game is grindy as fuck, but it’s still fun to play, and the players are the opposite of small. Mha dude, it’s got one of the largest player bases of all games. The hell is wrong with your to be so blind just because you don’t like it.

I mean.. how could you possibly still have this opinion, when it’s among the most popular games out there right now? I get it that it had issues at launch, I get that it’s not your cup of tea, but you have to have some serious mental dissonance to actually believe it’s doing even remotely bad. 

To be fair, DA: Origins on its normal difficulty really didn’t rely on you to know DnD systems. You could just fumble around and have fun with different spells/abilities and you’d mostly be fine and perfectly able to finish the game. 

Unfortunately there’s not one big homogeneous mass of nerddom on the internet. In fact there usually is one loud majority, and then a few loud minorities. Right now you heard the loud majority. The next time that you’re talking about, with artistic reasoning, you’ll hear a completely different, separate, loud

People saying this is a conspiracy are really refusing to acknowledge the fact that the new sonic is much more low-quality in terms of rendering. Yeah, it looks way better as a design, but if you start to get a real close-up look at the scenes side-by-side, you’ll notice stuff like way lower ambient occlusion, much

Yes but Skyrim even more so. More people know about skyrim and ‘arrow to the knee’ than they know about ‘you died.’

Sports games are a whole different animal with a whole different gamer being targeted. You can’t compare that to conventional gaming.