Andrei Nitu

1. No, it was a DNA carbon copy, his DNA still has information about his arm, even if it’s physically missing.
5. What, the hell? What did I just read? It’s a DNA carbon copy of Coulson, with his memories at that moment, but which were suppressed when Pachakutiq rode him out of the dimension. Now they are starting to

Pretty much, yes. Coulson/Pachakutiq is now like Robbie Reyes/Ghost Rider, however it feels like it’s without the symbiosis. While Robbie/Rider were working together in mostly manic harmony, Coulson is fighting against Pachakutiq. I feel like this is even more implied by the fact that the hand and face transformations

“ I swear I will flip a table if they decide to take Earth as Chronica III”
I felt like that was exactly what was implied. 

This surprised me as well, because my first reaction when I saw the title, and that it said you can do it on a separate sd-card, was: “YES! Now I can play on the switch, but ALSO watch movies and series!” and then was surprised that that was, in fact, no the target, which was actually playing android games.

The greatest life saver for me, as a cat owner, was when I changed my PC case to one with a solid top, and air intake just front-back. So much less dust and hair now.

“ it is decidedly very anti feminist and routinely very anti progressive”
I mean.... it’s chinese... that’s kind of given and completely obvious... 

It’s called ahegao and it is absolutely maddeningly stupid, I hate it with a passion because it ruined perfectly good porn for me.

I mean, your entire last paragraph is negated by the fact that there is a dangerously high percentage of pedophiles in the population, but okey.

Terra is the absolute extreme that you cherry picked, because its entire SELLING point is over-sexualization. Bonus points though, it does this to both genders, the males are also hyper-sexualized. That’s the game. That’s why you play it. Nobody plays Terra just for the gameplay.

I will be honest, being able to customize my female character (i’m cis-male, but almost universally play with female characters, gauge from that what you will) in order to make it as close to my ideal female body as possible has made me: 1. always fantasize about being with someone like that (even though I’m happily

In no toxic interaction that I can remember, was the n-word an issue. Maybe it’s because I’m usually Eu or Eu-NW, but there isn’t that much racial slurs here, it’s just the generic “noob, moron, idiot” etc.

I understand your point, but I agree with Inzoum, the primary issue is anonimity and lack of consequences. Look up “” with the infamous Stanford Prison Experiment. Once people had the assurance that what they do is anonymous and without consequence, they started doing

So someone insulting you is the same as being physically assaulted? Really? You’re going there? We had an entire generation with the motto “sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me” and you’re equating being made fun at with being punched in the face? Man, the world we live in....

You’re projecting yourself there, trying to find a reason for their behaviour to fit your narrative. I never flame online, I see no reason for it, but I also never care about being flamed at, i just joke back to them to see them get even more angry, which is funny. So, evidently, my entire view of the matter is

You have massive rose-tinted glasses if you really, truly believe this. I can tell you specifically that it was in fact worse because you had no way to report such behaviour, and anyone could act in any way without even the threat of a ban. In CS and even early MMO’s, even in ultima online, people were insulting each

To be honest the basic premise seems pretty awesome. My favorite Borderlands 2 DLC was Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep, which kinda has the same premise.
But I will say, that I’ve grown tired of cartoonish, over-stylized design in fantasy game. I would really love a very good fantasy RPG that tried to do realistic

Where’s the pic you attached from?

Honestly, yeah. I once dry fired for the heck of it, and without the arrow, the entire bow just massively and scarily vibrated like hell in my head, almost to the point where I almost instinctively dropped it. It almost made my left hand numb from the massive vibrations (it was a pretty strong bow). I figured

The subject itself is ridiculous, but what and why it happened should scare you massively. China just forced a western movie production to quietly remove references to their political enemies from a movie. The effect is small, like you said, who cares. But the action itself, that a western media company caved to the

I love how shut down you got, beautiful.