Andrei Nitu

You really should add “in my opinion” on your comments, because plenty of people (myself included), absolutely love Discovery.

He was being sarcastic, jeez..

I'm really starting to believe that Izel didn:t destroy those worlds, she just infected them. Then coulson/pachakutik chased her and destroyed all the worlds trying to kill izel.

No, That is not Coulson. When Coulson entered the fear dimension to close it, the things in that dimension saw him and the dimension itself saved his template. When pachakutik allegedly left the dimension to follow izel, he used that template to create a body for himself, flug somewhere in space and time due to the

Depends, really. Alienwares? Yeah, they were ridiculously more expensive some many years ago. Gaming laptops in general however were much cheaper. I’ve got a 4 year old Asus Rog 17 inch with GTX 980m for around 1500 dollars. That was high-end, top of the line, the best video card in a laptop, at 1500 dollars. Now, the

Too bad they don’t sell em in Europe...

“40% of your daily sugar intake?”
Only 40? Weaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak. 

Well that’s needlessly mean.

Funny how alongside that, the percentage of smokers in US has soared in the past few years. Almost like entertainment showing people smoking has infinitely small influence on people.....

Lol man, okey you’ve earned my last reply. I’m gonna be honest, this is the most elaborate way I’ve seen someone on the internet masturbate to their own self-inflated image of themselves. It’s pitiful, but it’s elaborate, so congratulations.

You’re not eradicating anything though, you’re not doing anything in fact. You’re spouting nonsense on the internet, wasting your time, your life, without achieving a damn thing, all the while thinking yourself having the upper hand for being the contrarian in a one-sided discussion against literally everyone reading

Do you think it’s simply envy that they would like not to be worked as slaves? Maybe it’s me, a European, but where we come from, Unions sound like the best thing that America has ever come up with.

I mean, sure, if that’s the hill you want to die on, fine. But you are defending a gargantuan company led by a man in front of whom you are less significant than an ant. 

I mean, I’m 26, married to a 25 year old woman, nothing of what you just said applies to me. But yes, I will defend as much as I can, the right of someone to be with someone else if they care for each other and it is consensual and nobody is getting hurt. I will especially defend this right against people like you who

Lol wat. No, where I come from that’s exactly what age of consent means, if it’s 16, than adults can have sex with 16 year olds. Big fucking deal, jeez. It’s like people are so bored of their own lives that they start pissing on someone else’s. Just because they are two happy people in a relationship and one of them

“West (namely that there’s no market for their product over here because we’re all prudes”
Is... is this a thing? is this an actual thing, considering that their entirely culture is much less sexually-free and open than western ones? For goodness sake, I’ve always considered Japanese to be massive prudes compared to

My main issue with Warframe (when I played, some many years ago), was that lack of a cohesive structure within the quest menus. To be more precise... I had no idea what the hell I was supposed to do to continue the main missions. I wasn’t interested in the grind, I wanted to play the story and see what happens, but

Exactly this. Everytime I see fanboys bickering over which sucks, Warframe or Destiny 2, I’m just baffled that they don’t see how great it is and would be for both of these games to be just as good and super successful. Each of them is not hampered, but boosted by the other one’s success.

I don’t get why everyone is surprised. In the past 5-10 years Blizzard has clearly moved on from being adult-oriented and more to being as commercial as possible. Wow right now is ridiculously cartoonish, even more so then how vanilla was. Diablo 3 was almost completely sanitized, but even as it is, it’s nowhere near

Are you done masturbating on the internet for attention and validation?