All of the things you listed are indeed choices. But so is trying to label everything you don’t agree with as sexist and racist and then victimizing yourself for special treatment.
All of the things you listed are indeed choices. But so is trying to label everything you don’t agree with as sexist and racist and then victimizing yourself for special treatment.
Huh? It’s entire fucking point of the first of the remakes/sequels. Watch the movie first, then complain, jesus....
No we actually wouldn’t. There are countless cases of rape against men, by women, that go unnoticed because “women can’t rape men”. So give me a break. Whenever a woman calls rape against a man, his whole life is destroyed. Whenever a man actually dares to call rape against a woman, he is made a laughing stock.
Wow that was such a cheap feminazi thing to say. 1950 called, it wants their women’s rights back. Oh, we’re also still believing wage gap is a thing right?
Give me a fucking break. It doesn’t “seem” it IS a fucking double standard, asshole.
After having started watching anime with Full Metal Alchemist and Death Note, I decided to give this a try since it’s so praised everywhere. Man.... it is soo.... goddamn cringey, it’s insane. I honestly don’t know what’s with anime artists and writers but I could swear they are so very sexually frustrated and hella…
I coud’ve sworn this is carbot from the moment I saw the doodles. Man, I love that guy’s material. Never watched anything other than his hots and diablo 1 stuff, but they’re hilarious.
“I’m not crying, you’re crying!”. Alternatively “I don’t have to prove god exists, you have to prove he doesn’t exist!” Always the easiest and cheapest cop-out. I’m not gonna argue with a logical and argumentative fallacy. Good night.
Love how you grayed me out even though 8 people already starred my comment. Great way to win the argument.
Fucking brutal, I love it, I wish I could give you more stars.
“I will never proclaim to speak for the trans community” You just fucking did, in your previous comments, you hypocrite.
Lol mate “accurately portray the struggles of a trans woman in 2077", please tell me, in minute details, the struggle of trans women in a fictional story, set in a fictional timeline, in a fictional future. Please, I really didn’t know these were hard facts here, damn. Like, did you go to 2077 through some…
“corporations like CD project Red will continue to exploit Transgender individuals to make money”
Absofuckinglutely lol. That’s the whole point of the image, the in-game corporation is making money exploiting trans people, that’s the idea. It’s cyberpunk, it’s a dystopian society. Jesus..
Well goddamn said. It’s always a very curious coincidence how all of these stories of people being offended by anything and other people rallying to the cry, only happen in very well-developed first-world countries.
It is great not being a whiny little bitch, yes.
You’re talking completely besides the point, you’re referencing their twitter history which is irrelevant to the issue at hand. That picture is an ad in a dystopian future. Do you like it? Of-fucking course not, that’s the whole damn point. It’s bad, it’s dystopian, it’s selling sex because it sells. Jesus. Stop…
Mmmm, ‘ruined a lot of games’, meaning you liked playing as a ninja so much, now any game where you’re not a ninja is ruined? I mean, I get it, but it would be absurd for borderlands to move like warfare. Just like it would be absurd for destiny to move like warframe.
Oh well yeah, the one on the right doesn’t look anything like john wick, it’s a bearded guy in a black suit, wtf.
He looks exactly like Keanu/Wick, there’s no doublethinking this, they aren’t “really good at what they do” they literally just made keanu reeves as John Wick. Dammit, just look at the designs of the new John Wick turn-based game, it’s almost like it’s the exact same asset.
Which is such a damn shame, because both dishonoreds and their respective dlc’s are some of the best thought-out single-player experiences in the last decade. Absolutely gorgeous from almost any way.
From a dev that brought one of the greatest single-player games in the last decade, to go on and make yet another arena multiplayer game is so.. disappointing...