Andrea Ostrov Letania

Good movie or bad movie, why was this movie produced and made?

Yeah, Loach cares so much about the working class that he supports massive foreign invasion by scab immigrants who replace the native folks and serve as easy votes and cheap labor for globalists.

These are Africans invaders of Europe. They are not 'refugees' or 'migrants'. They messed up their own countries and seek to invade Europe for Free Gives.

It's like in Pulp Fiction.

Pet Sounds of course.

I think this is one of the best of the series. And Jovovich has matured well.

What's all this crap about anti-communist 'paranoia'?

13th Warrior is the one that needs rediscovering.

"Though Jancsó was a gentile, he had a longstanding fascination with Jewish history, which he explored in such documentaries as Presence (1965)."

You fools oughta grow up and watch something a bit more mature than s-on-chest man.

Vince Vaughn is mass murder on the senses.

White/Jewish liberals create the anxiety-and-fear-ridden climate of political correctness and then complain about it.

Do you suppose Kubrick cribbed some ideas from Bergman's Silence for The Shining? Kubrick once sent a fan letter to Bergman.

Jonathan Rosenbaum rightfully hated this silly movie: "Like so much (too much) of contemporary cinema, Rodney Ascher’s Room 237 is at once entertaining and reprehensible. Alternating between the extravagant commentaries of five analysts of Kubrick’s The Shining(Bill Blakemore, Geoffrey Cocks, Julie Kearns, John Fell