Andrea Dworcat

Don't judge a cat by its cover. Me or Ms. Poppy. Feel free to go down the rabbit hole, but don't be surprised if you get disgusted at how little Ms. Poppy and those with whom she's aligned care about the truth. (Or for REAL victims of REAL crimes.)

Yeah, I agree that those folks aren't exactly my cup of tea, either. The Great Schism in the atheist/skeptic community is pretty complicated and it's hard to point out one single link to explain everything. Feel free to research on your own to back me up, but Ms. Poppy is one of the FreethoughtBlogs-type folks who,

I'm more familiar with Ms. Poppy's work in relaying accusations of rape and other sexual impropriety against several prominent men in the skeptic community. It's hard to square her belief in the scientific method and in the necessity of open discussion with her shadowy work in relaying rumors and creating a toxic