
I think the problem here isn’t the buds it’s the idiot reviewing them. You are the only one with these issues and the only one with this slanted view on these buds. I have read multiple reviews and you’re just ridiculous. Whining about not understanding something so simple. It’s unbelievable everyday that goes by I

Wow needs to shut up. I’m a nexus user and will say that apple is just ahead of the curve on this one. Digital sound needs digital outputs to get the most out of sound and sorry the jack is in the way out. Woz is no longer relevant and every week he has to spout some nonsense to keep himself in relevancy

The fact that there is a Jesus theme to man of steel is evident in the fact that superman was always meant as a messianic figure his story is basically a retelling of Moses and Jesus inba secular light. Kal el even means voice of God in Hebrew. Jor el means God will uplift. Its plain if people want to see it