@papaguru: Not often enough.
@Himynameispromotedthiscommenta...: Hmm, you should take them back. Someone's taken a bite out of them.
I really admire how people have an idea and can really see it through. I would've seen the pile of umbrella spokes and been like "...what am I doing here again?"
Or... you could do this.
Jesus, that is a lot of food. Microwave for one. Obesity for life.
@Adam?!: Was waiting... hoping.. for this. Thank you.
I've lost all meaning of what 3D is anymore.
@Silence04: *wipes a tear*
"Instead of eating food, you're breathing it in as you walk from room to room, each with a different flavour. Celery in one. Steak in another. Then pate."
Next thing that cat will have the vote. And THEN where will we be.
@jje37: Nice.
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Sean Parker: "I was misrepresented! I never drink appletinis."
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Yeah, me neither! Justin actually did a pretty good job with that, too.
Okay Universe, just pop your trousers on the table there and bend over. You might feel something cold.
@pist: I thought she'd smell like that acrid powder you can find on the inside of disposable gloves.
I hate to say this, but it'll smell a bit rapey.
@Lactose_The_Intolerant: 101 Vibrations