... and Puppet Show last.

Additional tip (coming from someone who has done this many times for work): Wrap a little piece of electrical tape around the crown of the bottle before the bubble wrap step. Sometimes glass variations/filling inconsistencies can cause a leak right where the bottle is sealed, and electrical tape is stretchy and sticky

The sunscreen thing is what I can’t accept. My friend got a terrible burn after using an Honest “waterproof” sunblock product on a float trip, and even took the time to reapply it according to the directions. Not only did it rinse right off, but the UV protection didn’t work very well even where her skin was dry. As a

I’m going to need her to be like Alec Baldwin and just come back to do that whenever possible. It’s uncanny. She does a better Sean Spicer than Sean Spicer.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

Any info regarding Pedro Martinez’s tweets last night about him being alive after the crash and looters leaving him to die? Apparently the Royals are aware of it, but they’re unsubstantiated rumors at this point. Also being reported that his World Series ring was not found at the crash site (assuming he was wearing

KC Star’s photographer caught the moment, and it’s just as glorious in freeze frame:

Lest we forget Al-Pieda.