And Peggy

I just want Billie Lourd to be happy.

Yeah...I sort of hate that this movie is being used as the laundry line that airs these issues. It’s an important point that deserves to be heard, but this is literally the third article I’ve read online about The Big Sick mainly discussing issues with white women/Asian men onscreen. It starts feeling like a

I agree but isn’t this particular movie a true story? I don’t think it belongs quite in the same category because it was Kumail’s real life experience with his current partner and not a fictional creation. Thoughts?

To all the assholes who pitched a fit when Michelle Obama wore sleeveless tops on vacation, where the hell are you now that Melania Trump is wearing a sleeveless dress on an official visit to foreign leaders? Or is it okay to go sleeveless if you’re a white Republican lady but not a black Democratic lady?

I watched this this morning and also noticed after the snub the Polish First Lady remain standing directly in front of Trump blocking him from the camera’s while she chats with Melanina. It’s very subtle, but the fact she doesn’t immediately step back and get out of the way allowing the cameras a clear view of Trump

Privilege, coming to a theater near you from Sony Pictures.

How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?

I see their bitterness over their appendages never equalling Michelle O’s guns hasn’t abated.

Praise be motherfuckers.

I was in the room when Garfield was being interviewed and to see everything he said taken in a very strange out of context way is incredibly bizarre. He said those things, but his tone and the context of the interview matters. For example, he said on his only days off he’s become obsessed with having RuPaul parties.

“ ... and a 5k fundraiser for the Special Olympics was cancelled, which cost them an estimated $40,000 in donations.”

Having never watched an entire episode, just seen marketing & ads, I totally thought the main two characters were DDK & random white guy. You’re telling me there are TWO white male leads?

I hope they’re able to find more work. They’re both so fantastic. And beautiful. God are they beautiful.

Oh Hannah, it;s pretty obvious what’s goin on. Swifty and Karlie broke up, Swifty is devastated and not leaving the house, and Karlie is trying out Kendall for awhile.

But look at this.

Why not both? Why. Not. Both.