Andorra M

What is it with liberals and insisting any black conservative is an Uncle Tom? Particularly in an article that allegedly about racism? I can never tell if the ridiculousness of racist epithets being used while condemning an alleged racist is lost on liberals or not.

Thank goodness, the Speech Nazis have arrived, read over the article, and discovered some obscure ways in which word usage might hypothetically offend!

If the NSA didn’t already have all of this information, we should just throw in the towel now.

And it’s a good idea to import millions of people from this backward, chauvinistic culture...why?

More importantly, did you see how hot that Trump staffer chick was?!

Really? You don’t think Trump *loved* every moment of that interaction with Ramos? He lives for that stuff. Ramos was going to get called on, if for no reason other than Trump getting to say “go back to Univision.”

The chaos of reporters refusing to STFU and go one at a time would be hilarious the first time, maybe. Then, it would completely devolve, we’d never get any answers from our politicians, and the press would be useless.

Systemic? Arguably. Systematic? As in, coordinated and intentional? Last I checked, the Illuminati weren’t in cahoots with the Klan, but perhaps. You seem to be the tinfoil-hat-wearer, perhaps you can explain.

Are they? Look at this demographics-based electoral college calculator:

“Reporting objectively” and “behaving and following the accepted rules of journalist decorum at a press conference” are not the same thing.

Whether or not it’s “the truth,” it has no place at a press conference. He has his own TV show, he can rant all he wants there. He can write editorials if he wants. Hell, he can craft a pointed question and ask it at the press conference.

Questioning his immigration plan doesn’t necessarily make him an activist. But hijacking a press conference in a manner unbecoming of a journalist does.

Yes, they have surely contacted their friends in the Illuminati by now. The New World Order is already covering this up. Unless, of course, our alien overlords veto their decision and want the truth to come out.

Wtf does that even mean?

If we don’t “know” that she committed suicide, we don’t “know” much about anything. There is literally no evidence to suggest her death was anything other than suicide. We don’t “know” what happened only in the sense that we don’t have a video tape of it happening.

When did “died mysteriously” become a euphemism for “definitely committed suicide”?