
Holy exclamation points!!!!!!!!! That was freaking amazing!

Hey that one small part where he was screaming at someone off camera wasn't terrible acting.

Damn that went from "zero-to-fuck-you" quicker than i could even google search for who anyone mentioned above even was (except for Bobby and Whitney)

idk how i'm just NOW reading this but this article was awesome, and man. the OJ comment at the end...

What you said.

this may be a stupid question, as i am merely a casual hockey observer, but does "unblocked" mean its a shot that is missed, but not touched by the goalie (as that, i'm assuming, counts as a save?)

Wait...didn't the Pelicans actually draft Nerlins Noel or did i make that up?

he'll average 20 points and 14 rebounds for the rest of the season

Eh, close enough haha. Thanks for the catch though

What in the actual hell, Fox News

Much like his year for the Lions, Tate was wide open (for this interview) because all eyes were on someone else (like that girl on the right)

On an unrelated note, can i just say Bob Ley's beard is pretty damn fantastic these days.

Dude that performance he gave last night gave me the creeps. someone needs to tell him he's taking this "artist" thing wayyy too seriously

I JUST had the SAME problem w/ Best Buy w/ a different product. You guys posted a $30 sale they were doing on Shadow of Mordor, but after completely checking out (order was processed, confirmation e-mail and all) i get an e-mail about 5 minutes later saying that my order couldn't be shipped because they were out of

i go through a gallon like every 3 days. I'd die without milk.

This is the second time I've watched this in 6 months and it's still freaking amazing. I'm sad he's gonna be done.

Big difference in 4 months and a couple years.

I've been playing Unity on X1 since right after Christmas, the only bugs I've found so far have all occurred in co-op missions, and while they've been frustrating, they've also been minor enough not to bother me.

Maybe it's because I like Zachary Quinto and/or because of the awesome "Voodoo Child" music bed, but that trailer looked pretty sweet.

Damn that little kid looked like he was fighting with a ghost