and now we rise

nah. You're not nesting until you wake up at 2 in the morning and MUST CLEAN ALL THE DOOR KNOBS NOW!

2-3 hours anyone? Yeah I have sleeping problems since ever...

16 mins to fall asleep? Yeah right.

Someone tweeted this to me.

Gotta be done some time; why make it into a bigger fuss than it needs to be?

Nuff said...

my cat (RIP) use to hate closed doors. hated them. whenever i would close the bathroom door he would start pawing and meowing really sadly so i'd open it. but then he'd stare at me while i was doing my business. it made me super uncomfortable. no one will ever break the bond we shared.


"America" is the name of the continent. It´s been used as such since at least 1507, and was originally applied to the landmass south of the Equator. Back then, the territory were the US would one day be founded didn't even have a european name. A few decades later, all the of the New World started being called

I see a world where we are forced to truly understand the ramifications of the word "unsustainable" in a number of fields ranging from energy, food scarcity, water, and population. The world I see will realize its problems a day late and a dollar short since we've made short-sightedness national policy in this

we are talking about the future. not the present!

Kudos to Stossel; unfortunately, his argument probably fell on deaf ears.

Woah, I think this is the first time I've seen people talk about Fox News positively. We don't get it in England, so all I know of it is the constant mockery I see on the Internet.

Well, Storm has been around for a while (1968, I think?), and I always thought she was one of the best characters in the comic books. That aside, I had an amazing experience with second grade aged kid I did counseling for. He was struggling with behavior in school and believed that his teacher didn't like him

Cannot unsee O face.

F**kin sheep.

@Inphoarius: That must of been a really nasty infection.

I too was travelling in Europe during the 2003 heatwave. I do not recommend Pompeii as a good place to walk around during a heatwave.