and now we rise

This really just looks/sounds like the Doctor Who movie that isn’t being made.

It’ll take some explaining though, since the books established that witch burning was entirely ineffective.

Normally if I want ice cold air blasted my way I just ask my wife a question.

Anonymous Amazon reviewer: “NEEDS MORE BUTT STUFF”

Sansa, at least in the books. I’m not current on the show, but it sounds like they sent her on a completely different trajectory.

I remember watching one of the last episodes of Angel and then watching Buffy a few days later and seeing the first episode with Wesley. I couldn’t believe they were the same character and I’m pretty sure end of Angel Wesley would destroy first appearance Wesley.

wrong thread....this would be “What character did you start off hating instantly, and discovered deeper and deeper levels of hatred for?”

Yes! Caroline went from “GOD, I cannot listen to her STUPID voice even ONE more time!” to this strange Pavolvian response where if she cried, I also had to cry because I loved her so, so much. HOW?

I feel like opposite about Felicity. I loved her until they ruined her character halfway through season 3.

What’s a rogue demon?

Caroline Forbes, one of the few where making them a vampire made them a better person.

Can I also suggest a “who was your favourite character until you began to hate them?” thread.

He may have done a few bad things but.... c’mon. C’MOOOOON. I just can’t stay mad at him.


Topher on Dollhouse began as a creep before slowly coming apart.

No, it doesn’t suck. I would have been perfectly content to not see a walker for the first 2 or 3 episodes. The focus here is supposed to be the breakdown of society. In TWD we are thrown into things in media res, and that was the right choice for show they had no idea was going to make it.

Hey, isn’t that guy in the middle a little short to be a storm trooper?

I’m just throwing this out there to get it out of the way.