
There is a decided lack of chest hair. I'm disappointed. I can't be the only heterosexual woman who appreciates some chest hair.

And most women do, absolutely. Except the ones that don’t. Sometimes it’s not even woman to woman—it’s pregnancy to pregnancy. A friend of mine was shocked to learn she was about six months pregnant with her second child after her doctor’s office did a routine pregnancy test to clear her to take a medication. With her

9 gallons a week!?

$18 A MONTH?!?

Look I’m a grown adult who still thinks that okra is the devils vegetable. It’s SLIMY. And now I don’t eat it. As a kid I didn’t eat it either, I ate around it. But when a kid comes and says “I don’t like vegetables” that kid is mirroring learned behavior since a vegetable scientifically doesn’t exist and culinary it

I’ve never said anything against lactose intolerance...not sure why that had to be capitalized. Of course we don’t REQUIRE any one item to live, but saying that I should not be consuming milk is one hell of a stretch.

Maybe that just got in there because PB is typically banned due to it being a common food allergen? That was my first thought. At the same time though, Jif and Kraft and all the (delicious) grocery store PB is really more like “peanut-flavoured sugar margarine.” Regardless, it’s a protein and kids need protein.

Just taking a noun and adding shaming after it does not make “[noun] shaming” a thing.

Bread to go along with the potato? Say what now?

Me too. I’m fine with my beer belly and big thighs but my chin fat pisses me right off. I would absolutely try this. Fix armpit flab next, science!

“ can also destroy other types of cells, such as skin cells, if it is inadvertently injected into the skin.”

A acquaintance of mine, who works with autistic children, once said that they are all “retarded” and that she hates her job and thinks the kids are disgusting. If I had facebook proof of her feelings you’re damn skippy I would send it to the parents of the children she teaches. I would do the same if a teacher posted

“is that a bunch of suburban busybodies with literally nothing else to do”

Totally agree. “Hounded a woman out of a job she needed.” Cry me a freakin’ river. This wasn’t a witch-hunt and the daycare was 100% in the right to rescind her employment offer. Someone who openly complains about how they don’t like being around a lot of kids should not be in a daycare - the kids don’t deserve that.


Jesus, really? You’re gonna condemn the moms whose kids this woman “hates being around” and hates taking care of for a living when she’s fired for publicly admitting that as “suburban busybodies with nothing better to do?” Moms have plenty to do, including work for a living and having to send their kids to be cared

This is the part where we remind all of you to triple-check your privacy settings.

It’s a little condescending to call concerned parents “suburban busybodies.” If a teacher at my kids daycare was foolish enough to publicly proclaim her hate for children I’d want her nowhere near them. Sure, name-calling is awful, but she tapped into the working parent’s greatest source of anxiety—that they’ve

“I’m afraid that I’m not going to be able to find a job because of my own stupidity.”

I hate to defend Renner, but actors are known for getting really fucking loopy during press junkets. They are beyond boring and mind-numbing. So, yeah, it wasn’t the greatest answer (ETA, and yeah, his apology was terrible). But watching the video, it seems PAINFULLY obvious that they weren’t even CLOSE to presenting