
My two articles are hyperlinked and look accurate and 100% great in editing/creation, but don’t seem to be popping/publishing.  Results could vary, I’m sorry.  Now-

The question on the bigger scale, why is he testifying for the defense? The median hourly fee for file review/preparation for all medical expert witnesses is $350/hour. The median testimony hourly fee for medical expert witnesses is $500/hour. Dude has boat payments to make.

You know what can cause “sudden cardiac arrhythmia?” Lack of oxygen to the brain or heart.

Which begs the question: why did he even bring it up as a factor if there was no data to support it?

Oh yeah, it’s absurd. It’s so absurd, in fact, that the police themselves will tell you to disregard the orders of police officers if they will put you in danger (like driving to a well-lit area).

None of that “You should have done” shit means anything. You can follow cops instructions exactly and they’ll still execute you.

Well if they didn’t anything wrong then they got nothing to worry about! Right?

slaves were tools of the Imperialists

I feel like there may be a third group which you are missing, one very near and dear to The Root’s purpose.

“Everyone should stop protesting in the off chance I may be inconvenienced by it some day! Can’t we just talk about what we need to do to fix the problem instead of protesting?”

Now playing

but this means we can use this on trumps and insurrectionists?

They’re not even trying to pretend that there isn’t two systems. This motherfucker’s bail should have been revoked.


Or, in Ted Cruz’s case, from within his own office. “New phone, who’s this?”

It’s funny how they can hear being called a racist from five towns over but couldn’t hear a president call for Insurrection from a half block away.

“They’ll believe anything that doesn’t require introspection” Boom—there it is right there.

Sad but true. But are they really pretending at that point?

I don’t think it is stupidity. Racism and white supremacy find a home in intelligent minds. Just evil ones.

You still don’t understand America, you poor soul. Nothing will change in 2050. When white people start losing, they change the rules. You have NOT been paying attention.