Andie M

Nuclear power has issues, but it really the only technology that is able to provide sufficient power for a large population with big energy demands. For example, finding a clean alternative to nuclear power in Japan would be tough. The alternatives either require more land area for less power output or have clear

There is another solution if you live in an Apple eco-system and have a static IP address. This is "Wake on Demand" which makes use of both "Wake on LAN" and "Bonjour" for its magic. This allows a computer to announce a service and with a suitable router (Apple Airport) be woken up when a request for that service is

"My car!!!...sod my car, just make for higher ground. fast!!!!"

Yeah, its not as if he had anywhere he could run to. Tall concrete structures and the hills seem to be the safest places from what I can see.

Good thing that the federation has not been establish yet.

I suppose the male equivalent would be the cup-protector.

Sounds perfect for environmentalists ;)

From what I can see this new iteration of the Fantastic Four is now known as the "Future Foundation".

Also consider the 30% tax is small when compared to the over-head of traditional retail.

With a higher resolution screen then RAM would not be the only issue. One of the major factors is battery life. With a faster CPU and more memory the new iPad still manages to get a little more battery life in, but with a higher resolution screen I doubt it would have scraped past 7-8 hours and that is being generous.

Does anyone know whether the cable box is manufactured by Samsung, or simply rebranded?

Maybe the are just taking advantage of the temporary lack of competition and then plan to drop the price afterwards? I think it should be $39 tops to be price compatible with the Apple option.

Many people want to download their music, so you either charge them for the pleasure or lose out to forms where you don't get paid. I still like to buy CDs, but that is because I like to feel I kinda own my music and I want to avoid lossy music.

Or simply ask iFixit to confirm this.

If it is anything like the homo-erectus and Neanderthal merger, then maybe a hybrid of bi-pedal cats and dogs. Maybe call them cags or cagumans.

Certainly, but I doubt many people will use it enough to notice. As to the front camera, if it does the job for video chat, then I doubt people will be complaining too much. Apple should have done a better job, but how many people are going to really care?

Star Wars? I see a mix between Star War, Star Trek and Tron.

Whichever way you look at it is a tragedy. It may be nothing compared to the other contexts you mentioned, but it should be remembered. As always, it is humbling to be reminded how fragile we are when confronted with great disasters.

The button would be cutting the power. Eventually, breaks or no breaks the thing would slow down. This is not an elevator.

RAM matters, but user experience matters a heck of a lot more. What I mean by that is if the amount of RAM available does not hinder the user experience, then there is a enough RAM for the job, no matter was that actual value is.