Andie M

Maybe a museum or someone wanting to out-do their neighbour as a display ornament?

Modems work at a lower level than that. What matters are routers and anything working with an IP address. As to whether your router will get an update, check with the manufacturer. In some cases the router might not have enough flash or memory to deal with IPv6.

Yup. Also, if you don't have scroll mouse you aren't going to be able to scroll through the articles in the right hand column.

With the music and the images, I can't help think of Myst.

Its at time like this that you wonder how long it is before they start putting additional barriers between the platform and the train. They already do this at airports and a few other places.

@Dragonis: That's fine as long as you can do without with the latest features.

Will Apple be banning this because they aren't getting a 30% cut on every purchase, especially if used to buy paper books ;)

I am not sure how this is proof of copying and not of Microsoft simply using spelling correction algorithms in its searches too?

@Norbs: Is this really a suicide bomber? Suicide indicates death by your own cause, while this clearly isn't. Someone has a lot of blood on their hands.

@unbeliever2: Whether or not the big bang was or wasn't, we could still indicate on the same scale how long ago the image we are seeing was produced.

Is this just going to be a concrete monolith or will there be windows?

@TheCrudMan: Certainly. This is why I mentioned the ISO option. I have already done a 30 second shoot with ISO 1600. Sure it adds grain, but at least it is an option if you don't have the extra equipment. See:

@RT100: It all comes down to available ambient light. The moon is very bright and provides a lot of white ambient light. Things like street lights and cars tend to be limited in both colour and the amount of area lit up. Because of this, with a long enough exposure, with the moon present, you are going to see a lot

@Bobbanswe: You could even do this with a point and shoot with a manual mode. The capabilities will vary.

@TheCrudMan: All you need is a camera with a manual mode. Generally set the opening to maximum and then leave the aperture open long enough. In certain cases you may want to play increasing the ISO - it will increase light sensitivity, but with the side effect of more noise.

Maybe the way to make everyone feel better would be to send the biological father home too, if the pregnancy happened on the base? He is just as responsible for avoiding the job terminating pregnancy.