Andie M

@ThePhysician: Yup. Replace the Loko with a can of Coke, but you still have the other drugs in the story. Its not as clear cut as the article makes it out to be.

@Chatboy91: Different people different needs and also different budgets. Doesn't a Mercedes do the same thing as a Golf?

Maybe with LED lights this could be considered safe, but I am not sure I want to be the one to try it out. Interesting idea though.

@chriscalvert: At the same time democracy is not the same thing as capitalism. People spend too much time confusing political philosophies with market philosophies.

Looks like a Canine AWACS, so a CWACS in reality.

@Crushing.lens: Looks like they simply need to improve the quality of underground transport and then charge people a fee for using the car in the city. A bit like Paris and London are doing.

Why not hire the motorcycle in the first place?

Next they will have windshield cleaner in a can.

@bmccombs: Winter solstice for us northerners.

@tedknaz: You'd probably be kicking yourself if you had got the iPad 2, knowing the iPad 3 would be even better.

@McWeary: HTML5 web browsers in disguise.

@sparx104: Probably Microsoft's Mac Business Unit is doing the work here?

@RubiksCube: This is just for iOS based devices from what I can tell. If you are interested there is AirFlick for MacOS X, but note this should be consider an alpha build (assume it will crash and you will want to back up your world first): []

@zekestone: good point. Maybe Mr Bean had the right approach all along?

@zekestone: true. build a gps receiver into both the car and the receiver. for time synchronisation they would only need a single satellite in view. it would increase cost and complexity, but if using in high end vehicles this probably would not be much of an issue.

Could the key systems not simply use time codes to ensure that the code is no longer accurate when the thief tries? This technology already exists for RSA keys.

@Puns-n-Roses: Sounds like they took the same approach as Nintendo, with the Wii remote. The more people experimenting with the device, the more likely you will get someone being able to master it.

@Kakkoii: For me I want my phone like I have my computer: kept up to date by the manufacturer and the cell phone network providing the pipe.

The question that should be asked, is that if I want an Android phone that is kept up to date, who should I be going with? Should I just accept that the best solution is jail-breaking and DIY?