"WHERE are these dogs' masters?!"
"WHERE are these dogs' masters?!"
I want dat pill!
You talking 'bout tang?
Just owning up to a simple error is not only the "right thing to do" it's usually the simpliest solution, too! I've seen writers try to squirm out of mistakes, inevitably turning overly-defensive and it's always cringe-inducing. Kudos to you for just rolling with it.
Damn it, I was going to be the special snowflake that finally took the AV Club down! But by the time I logged in at least two others had already caught the mistake. Oh well..back to sleep.
I've heard two different versions of that joke, both told to a far-too-young me by my dad:
I, for one, would enjoy hearing from Maxwell at least one more….TIME!
It was hilarious when it was Dennis saying it and trying to defend himself to Mac. Not so much when I saw a fraternity wearing t-shirts that had the "….because of the implications" line written on them.
Ok I know I'm a week late, but that was an amazing episode of television! I do wonder about how much is faked/fudged/whatever and what's real, but the curiousty is part of the fun.
Has the Absorbing Man been used in the MCU? Goldberg would indeed fit the bill.
Bad idea, change headline, delete article, destroy computer, leave Earth, nuke it from orbit…
Hey hey hey, let's not go crazy. Texas is like the 3rd most racist state, tops.
Don't know why, but after hours of obsessively reading every article I could find, THIS was the comment that snapped me out of my trance. Thank you for the 5 hours of sleep I managed to get.
About two years ago I saw Ms. Schaal at a comedy festival. I was only familiar with her through Flight of the Conchords, and thought she was very funny on the show and kinda cute. Anyways, at the end of her set, she suddenly ripped her clothes off (revealing a blue unitard), and re-enacted the routine from…
Im pretty sure they're yelling "Zoooooouuuuukkkks", as in his last name. It caught me off guard the first time, because I also thought they were booing.
He's Fat Damon on Fargo, now.
Meth Damon became Fat Damon
PFT crushed it (as usual), I enjoyed the review, AND I get to say "Well, well, well. Look at this candy-ass motherfucker!" for the second time in as many days!
"Well, well, well. Look at this candy-ass motherfucker!'
"Who has two thumbs and not much else going on hand-wise?"