Anders Cold

Well, that’s one way to duck below the joke and glance over the shoulder as it whooshes over the horizon...

Mike’s video or shots doesn’t really do the Volta V’s aesthetics much justice though.

If just the new-fangled, Arkane-developed Prey was Prey in all other aspects than trademark only, I maybe could have been a bit more sympathetic to a publisher protecting their IP tooth and nail, but the fact that they took a System Shock clone and slapped a Prey sticker on it instead of continuing Human Head’s work

That’s... simplifying the story more than just a little.

Framerate looks fine here, but the animation and particle effects does look dated. I guess they’re just slapping on a new coat of paint and aren’t going too much into the code there.

Except you shouldn’t change into a lane that isn’t clear. This one certainly wasn’t. The driver with the dashcam shouldn’t have to slow down either to accomodate the lane-changing car barging out from nowhere.

You mean, he wasn’t American?

The top one isn’t a 2CV though – it’s a Dyane.

A friend of mine made an off-hand remark in a Facebook thread that Bannon most of all looks like he spends his nights asleep in a large tin of kippers. Haven’t laughed that hard in ages.

That’s some straight up Pinchcliffe Grand Prix shit right there!

Counterpoint: The Wii U may have had less games than the Xbone or PS4, but it still has more than twice the amount of exclusives than either of those consoles. The lack of genuine system seller games for the Xbone is palpable. Really, the backwards compatibility goes a long way in being the saving grace there. 

Denuvo anti-tamper was supposed to keep Conan Exiles’ cavalcade of burly barbarian men under lock and key, but the dang dongs broke free. Now they’re flapping and flopping every which way in the breeze.

Came here to write exactly this.

The problem is probably that that would be a massively expensive route to take and will eliminate step 3 completely. I’m not sure though how costly setting up a little red riding Toyota hood factory would be, but I’m guessing that it’s prohibitively expensive, otherwise ICON wouldn’t be searching for these hoods.

Ended many more – how so? A 2013 study from MIT indicated that about 200,000 lose their lives every year in America because of air pollution alone, and that vehicle emissions are by far the biggest contributor to this. You’re not going to fool me into thinking that more than two hundred thousand Americans lose their

That’s a false equivalence if there ever was one. The EPA has probably saved lives.

Article isn’t entirely accurate, as it is definitely not all countries in Europe where eggs aren’t refrigerated. In Denmark for instance, we refrigerate our eggs. As for the salmonella risk, generally, if you cook the egg at an adequate temperature, you’re in the clear.

Blast processing yo!

The hunks of metal nearest the “camera” in the screenshot is its ass.