
Bolsonaro wasn’’t even CLOSE to the best choice we had here in Brazil.

I don’t love most of the candidates we had, but he was the only one who ran on explicit homophobic, misogynist and racists platforms; the only one advocating torture; the only one who didn’t show up to debates; and the only one whose government plan

Melissa Fumero's comic timing just keeps getting better and better as the series progresses! Her reaction when Rosa suggest her "dads" should bone is just perfect (and Stephanie Beatriz keeps it up by making the best faces as the awkwardness of Amy's sentences increases). "I'M TEACHING FATHER THE MATH" was such a

They're really making up for lost time!

Yup! I thought the exact same thing. I also see that happening a lot this season with Kent and Richard (not so much on this episode though)

I hadn't thought about it that way, but it makes a lot of sense.
I still think there was a general lack of nuance in her actions throughout the episode that robbed the funeral scene some of its power for me; but you make a very good point and, having watched the episode again, I can see now that she was definitely

I can see how the speech scene could be read that way, but her apathetic reactions when people mentioned the stroke, as well as the absence of any sensibilty when Catherine started crying after the "pressing of the button", sold me on the idea that she wasn't concerned at all with the mother situation. I know that

It's not a shift as blatant as the gas leak season on Community, but I think the lack of Ianucci's vision made Veep less unique. The dialogue sometimes seems disjointed: it feels like the writers are trying to land punchlines instead of letting jokes flow naturally from the characters communicating through their

I've watched two episodes so far and it really does have some of the best hacking scenes ever on TV (and the computer interfaces are also pretty good. Unlike Scream's crappy Mac-like OS, their "gmail" is very similar to the real thing).

Of course the nerdy/comic/movie/tv series/videogame buff also would know how to crack a password, right? I think that was one of the worst hacking sequences I've seen in a long time. From the crappy and dated interface design on Noah's laptop to the "We're in!" line when his frantic typing stopped, it was like

I liked the irony of Selina trying to capitalize on Tom's fame by suggesting that she chose him, when, in fact, it was Amy's idea (and, even worse, one that Selina kept ignoring).