One good thing about being from Eastern Oregon Redneck stock, my dad would have known exactly how to handle that situation and Rand Paul would have a new roommate.
One good thing about being from Eastern Oregon Redneck stock, my dad would have known exactly how to handle that situation and Rand Paul would have a new roommate.
“a very regrettable dispute between two neighbors over a matter that most people would regard as trivial,”
Because Trump voters are fucking dumb. They think that the pussygrabbing is “just locker room talk.” I can only speak for myself and I’ve been in plenty of locker rooms and I never heard anything remotely like that.
He was already a role model. Now he’s showing another side of manhood and setting a great example for black boys and men who’ve been sexually abused. This man deserves all the applause.
My final audition for a Steven Segal movie took place in his office. He told me how important it was to have chemistry off-screen as he sat me down and unzipped his leather pants. I ran out and called my agent. Unfazed, she replied, “well, I didn’t know if he was your type.”
how Seagal allegedly threatened her hen she as 23 years old
It’s the Grecian formula in his hair, right? I think it’s the Grecian formula.
Personally, I will not allow the barf in this bag to ruin my nice day, and neither should you.
You know what else is great? All these awesome things happened despite Donna Brazile’s fervent effort to make the Democratic Party look incompetent and nefarious.
That’s generally how I try to hire people. I can easily train them in the skills required for the job. I can’t train them not to be idiots and assholes.
If you have to say it’s not a pyramid’s probably a pyramid scheme.
Glass is the best for baking pies.
I never understood how he put up with her. Did he pass away just to escape?
Omarosa Manigoult, the other former Apprentice star who works in the White House, seems to be having an (almost)…
I’m thinking of Corey Feldman and his concerns that someone will hurt him if he starts publicly naming pedos, suddenly it doesn’t seem so far fetched.