
He behaved like an asshole; now when is Moore going to drop out and when is Dump going to resign?

The Evangelicals are moist with anticipation...

Do we really need to be flushing more waste into our water supply?

I hate that Franken did this shit, because I liked him. But he’s got to go. More importantly, Trump has to go too.

Fuck that. Working for free is for chumps.

Jesus Christ.

That poor baby; my heart breaks for her and her family.

This is why vigilantism exists.

Victorinox chef’s knife. The bomb.

Not only is it fucking ridiculous that we even have to have such trainings ( and I mean this in a kind of “we-need-classes-on-being-decent?” kinda way) but the rest of us Federal employees have to take such training, among others, every fucking year.

Jesus fucking wept.

First read this as Bill Nye. Lol!

I’m not sure what you mean.

Yep, probably not going to benefit anyone but her and hers.

Damn, those are some weird looking people.

Gah, they are going to make such pretty kids.

Did a dog rip her sleeves off?

Does the sex have to be with another person?

I’d be pissed too! It just boggles my mind that a man wouldn’t want to protect himself from an unintended pregnancy or worse.

This was a very interesting read. I hope they get organized and get their money!