
gawdalmighty Cosby, that is weak af.

..and vandalizing natural resources.

Can’t wait to see all the posts claiming that “she’s asking for it”.

Long night in your mom and dad’s basement?

Just like your mom.

My bad, didn’t see the lineup.

Arrieta is going to get after it tonight!

He is a classic narcissist and sociopath.

Breitbart is a few pages over, homie.

Your mom?

Is this a joke?! I haven’t had enough coffee so I can’t tell.

Should I know?

Hell naw; we went to smoke weed in the cemetery.

Reminds me of those goddamn Potters House haunted houses that they tried coercing us college kids into attending.

It’s cop talk; refers to not flipping your car over. I guess it’s an analogy for not fucking up.

At least we can support each other here on a grim Federal Friday!

Yet another waste of time and taxpayer money! I’d be happy to send them the contents of my barren womb every month just to show ‘em what they’ll be spending their money on.

I went from FS to BLM and I’m sensing way more hate for BLM...our rigs aren’t even marked anymore.

Not unless you’re law enforcement.

I need to check my checking account balance so I can help this child.