
Possible hot take: the ds and gba games were infinitely better than any of the games in this bundle

Nice, but can Sega remind themselves that Sonic Advance 1-3 existed and remaster those?  Or even just let me buy a functioning version on PC/PS5? KTHX

Did...did we listen to the same performance? Because either tech, acoustics, or voice problems (20 years older or crap blowing in her face) made that sound nothing like the performance in the trailer or game.

EXACTLY. His team of I believe 8 to 12 people TOTAL made a game world orders of magnitude larger than any game before or sense.  Like it’s not even close, was the game perfect, NO, was it for everyone, NO, but you just have to be impressed that a team of 12 did something that even AAA studio’s couldn’t dream of.

what Murray and his team have been able to pull off with its smooth procedural generation has been groundbreaking. He is certainly not Molyneux, thankfully.

Objectively terrible opinion. I’ll admit I wasn’t thrilled with it at first but once you understand the battle system it’s great fun. You can cheese it but if you know what you’re doing it’s an entirely different game.

I saw someone describe the game as “Poochifying the most Poochiefied video game character."

Maybe it’s because I’m not a sneaker head, but for a movie tie-in shoe, it looks pretty accurate? Which I assume is the point?

I like them honestly. Rarely do they nail the accuracy while making them look like something someone can wear. 

They look totally fine to me...

I immediatly recognize the Sonic shoes without them look too cartoony or completely different from the source material like these are usually are.

This is a lot of energy to spend trying to rag on shoes that look... just fine? They closely resemble the movie AND video game shoes... so... yay?

God Kotaku needs to stop with these bad takes that no one asks for.

The PS5 disc drive doesn’t support anything other than blu-ray. They dropped the older red laser needed for reading CDs and DVDs, and only have the blue laser for reading Blu-Ray discs. And yes, that means the PS3 and PS4 both had 2 lasers in the disc drive to allow them to read all of those. But that’s why you can’t

So they are going to compete wih gamepass by being worse and more expensive?

I enjoyed the article after fighting my way through ads to see it. I know the writing staff has nothing to do with it, but my word. One ad takes up like 9/10 of the screen and won’t go away for a good 10 seconds then another full page one pops up right after. Lol

Clearly staged. Why didn't he attack?

These would be better if they were not staged. 

Came to post soley for this. The Phantasy Star series was Segas, Final Fantasy, their Halo, so to list their best games, and not mention PSO... Makes the whole list suspect IMHO. 

This is this the real travesty right here, how the hell do you write about best games for the Dreamcast and not talk about PSO?