
It already been shown a hundred bazillion times that the US extraditing him from Sweden is harder than just having the Brits turn him over. Assange’s argument is not only bogus, the US has neither charged him with anything nor requested his extradition.

It just amazes me how anyone can have their head so far up their ass they can’t intellectually process that someone can do something that people cheer for and then turn around and piss those same people off.

He’s going to stay there as long as there are people who sees him as a martyr instead of the cowardly Russian puppet that he is.

Assange was acused and ran and hid in an embassay. Sounds fucking guilty to me. Considering in sweeden he’d have been released by now.

Everything he does makes perfect sense when viewed through the lens that he literally thinks he is the only person in the world. Everything revolves around making sure other people know how much power he has, how much money he (allegedly) has, how many ‘hot’ young wives he can have and are appropriately awed by him.

THERE WE GO. Fuck special treatment for religion. Just fuck it. Sure, you are protected from persecution. Fine...but fuck your tax free status and fuck your beliefs seeping in to my life in the form of laws and fuckery like this.

“To give you some perspective about what we can do with it. If you were a bumblebee at a distance of the moon, we will be able to see you, both by your reflective sunlight and by thermal radiation and heat you emitted.”- John Mather, Noble Prize Winner and Senior Project Scientist for the JWST

Fuck the ENTIRE fucking family and every single fucking real friend of that family. Every single one of them is a blight on humanity and that’s not an exaggeration whatsoever.

I said this on another site, and i’ll say it again:

I make it a point to always post the white santa pic on articles about Megyn Kelly. I’m glad at least one jez writer has the wherewithal to do a Megyn Kelly post without treating her with kid gloves while acknowledging she’s a massive bigot.

Remember when someone described Roger Ailes balls as looking like old hamburger meat (During the sexual misconduct allegations)? That’s how I imagine most of these guys to be. Nasty, small-dicked and generally repulsive when their clothes come off as though Hieronymus Bosch was using their nether-regions as

Words are insufficient to describe my seething hatred of Bill O’Reilly. Fuck this guy and his smug, irritating, racist, sexist bullshit.

I’m not crying shut the fuck up you’re the one who’s crying.

Indeed, Schutz’s intention is largely meaningless in the face of the work. Schutz treats her source as simply an object; as a photograph rather than a record of a teenager murdered because he was black.

Danielle Serini had the gall to send letters

In 1991, a few months before we departed the UAE for the West (Somalia’s government had collapsed and our lovely Arab hosts told us to GTFO), my father and (step)mother arranged for a woman to come by the house. I answered the door for this woman. She still comes across very vividly in my memories. My brother and I

Quick edit: Four engines. There will be four RS-25 engines on the SLS.

Are you fucking kidding me, with this exposing the crimes of the government? Are you fucking kidding me?