I thought it was a periodic table. Which would have been cool.
I thought it was a periodic table. Which would have been cool.
Nah, just another shitty tattoo. I kid kind of. If you also feel like wasting a minute of your life click below. It’s “Just some colors ... and scales.” His parents don’t approve. And he is a self-appointed wild and crazy guy. Even died his hair blonde, red, and blue recently. He is able to sing the national anthem…
fuck notre dame and fuck rudy
Donovan continued his apology by stating that he regrets the controversy of choosing Mexico as his other team and that they will be replaced by Iran.
the interview part went south for a variety of reasons which I will detail at a later date
is your implication here that horse owners and trainers didn’t know that winning the Triple Crown was incredibly lucrative until 2011?
He completed his sentence and therapy. In a lot of ways, he was the ideal case for rehabilitation of a juvenile offender. Him pulling the “I was innocent all along” makes him even less sympathetic than before, of course.
HOT TAKE: Having springs for legs is a bigger competitive advantage than being on cocaine when it comes to running fast.
I’ll let you know in a week or so if The Capitals have recalled theirs.
God, now BWW is probably going to say their account was hacked.
Zidane must have really felt like he was banging his head against the players in that locker room.
Ah yes, the Facebook clause. 29 United States Code Section 438(a)(4)(F)(iii) - if you can’t find the child’s birth certificate, a facebook, instagram, snapchat will be deemed an acceptable substitute unless such facebook, instagram, or snapchat post has filters with dog ears that block more than 40% of the subject’s…
At the time that the animal was first found/killed, the google results were quite different!
I just remember: “You can’t spell Byfuglien, without FUGLI.”
Oh come on, it’s Bufflin!
Thaaat’s it. There’s the jinx I was looking for. Thank you, Barry.
Police were on the scene grilling bystanders about the incident and took away several suspects in a pattywagon.
... You’re joking right?
They can see it on TV. Augmented reality inplantables. The future is now. . .in Euro basketball.