And David Justice for all

Why would it get under Cuomo’s skin if Faso goes down?

I think the tone of this video is a little flip in light of Malarchuk’s ptsd and post-career issues. The ESPN short is amazing.

Peterman threw another pick AFTER the game-ending pick 6, that’s how good he is.

Those were extensions, right?

Damn it, I might have read the internet wrong. I thought for sure I remembered the Le Batard show making fun of the Piazza thing though. (Maybe its just something at the new ballpark honoring the HOFers that have played with the Marlins - which is still funny in Piazza’s case.)

Jose Fernandez jersey is being retired,

Mike Piazza is in the Marlins team Hall of Fame.

I was racking my brain for a Shareef line. I would have never come up with something this good.

I thought for sure it was getting a flag when I saw it live.  Then I was happy when it wasn’t because apparently I like violence.

If the defender had gotten knocked out instead the qb, would it have been a Coma-Kazee hit?

I like Tyrod a lot, but he is an average QB - I don’t have a problem with the Bills deciding to find a franchise QB elsewhere, I just wasn’t happy with how they did it.

Can you get Al Michaels to not mention Willis Reid again?

Well, whatever after they traded Tyrod.  I’d rather Peterman get thrown to the wolves than Allen.  I just don’t know why they decided to tank after finally making the playoffs.

I’m in the Albany area, so am a bit separated from the mass of fans. I actually think that trading Taylor this offseason was the decent thing to do after the way the team insulted him last year - I made the decision around 2 pm today to root for the Browns to make the playoffs this year.

Maybe we convinced ourselves

What Bills fans have made excuses for Peterman?  We all hate him.

Let’s all calm down on Fitzpatrick. This is what he does: he has two or three games a year where he looks like a top 5 QB surrounded by 10-14 games of mediocrity.

Donna Kelso? I mean, I could see her not marrying Eric, but marrying Kelso, no way.

This is a very poor logical (syllogism? Sillo-jizzism?) prevalent in Christian philosophy.  It is especially ironic as the religion is built on someone who sacrificed everything because he believed in something.

And I thought Vincent Gallo’s take on the Bill’s losses was dark.

For a second I thought Maradona had a haircut, a shave, and a comeback.