And David Justice for all

Yeah. It’s incredible that both of the following are simultaneously true:

Well, Griffin would be able to give a right hand to JPP on passing downs.

You play the hand you’re dealt.

Man that is messed up, and right after he shoots Richie Incognito, I really think we need to take his guns away from him.

Man, Crosby was terrible in this tournament.

What do you mean? That US power play as time expired in regulation worked just like how they drew it up!

The momentum swings in this game were profound and I definitely had sweaty palms watching the entire third and OT.

I still think the US and Canada should have found players with the same names as NHL players.

I don’t think that’s the case here. Last Saturday I was skiing Cochran Ski Area in Vermont, and all of a sudden I was in some desert crashing into a fucking kangaroo. For some reason, slope wormholes a real bitch this year. 

It’s refreshing to see an encounter with ICE where it’s not the kid that’s shattered.

The best Brady.

Totally ridiculous.

If you guys don’t hire Steve Bannon, then you clearly don’t know what you’re doing.

This suit is so soft he can wipe his ass with it. I think that’s the point of the picture.

This suit is so soft he can wipe his ass with it. I think that’s the point of the picture.

But is it an elite charity?

Dude had that grin on from the coin toss to the finish. It was bizarre.

Ottawa moving to Quebec City would be the highlight of my life:

That’s silly. Who’s going to watch hockey in Oklahoma City in 20 years?

Sorry man, you’ll have to wait to an invite to one of our Jewish cabal meetings where we do R&R on these things.
