
For some reason that’s terrifying. I can hear the squeaks from here.

The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club.

I enjoy how you took this as the place to air a grievance against something completely unrelated. Side note: fuck Donald Trump, dude’s a dick yo.

Kid has two modes, punch or no punch. Kinda like the Overwatch game he was buying, just two modes....for $59.99.

The Waiting Game.

I feel like I’m missing something. I played the beta and found Overwatch to be mediocre at best. The characters were the definition of “try hard”, the voice acting was atrocious and I found the gameplay to be trite. Is it because Blizzard made it so “Yaaay Blizzard made a game so we must suckle the nutsack it flowed

Seems like they’ve given up on the whole “games as a service” model for now.